How can NAD+ Save premature aging


Premature aging: When does it strike? What’s the performance? How can NAD+ turn the tide?

In the long river of time, we all yearn for eternal youth, but premature aging is like a quietly approaching “enemy”, which may disrupt our rhythm of life at any time.

Have you ever had a moment when you realized that you might be being “targeted” by premature aging?

When does premature aging begin?

And in what form will it appear?

And the mysterious NAD+, can become our “secret weapon” against premature aging?

Let’s unravel the mystery of premature aging and NAD+.

When does premature aging begin?

Premature aging does not suddenly appear at a certain age, but is a gradual process of development. Generally speaking, the aging of the human body begins around the age of 25.

With age, the body’s various functions gradually decline, which is the natural aging process.

Due to the influence of bad lifestyle, environmental pollution, mental stress and other factors, premature aging may come early.

Bad lifestyle is one of the important causes of premature aging. Staying up late for a long time, irregular diet, lack of exercise and so on will accelerate the aging of the body.

For example, staying up late will affect the body’s biological clock, resulting in endocrine disorders, which in turn affect the metabolism of the skin, making the skin rough, dark, wrinkles and spots.

Irregular diet may lead to nutritional imbalance, the body lacks the necessary nutrients, thus affecting the normal function of the body.

Lack of exercise will slow down the body’s metabolism, fat accumulation, muscle atrophy, the body’s resistance to decline.

Environmental pollution is also a factor in premature aging. Pollutants in the air, ultraviolet radiation, etc. can cause damage to the skin and body.

The harmful substances in the pollutants will enter the human body, destroy the cell structure, and affect the normal metabolism of the body. Uv radiation can damage skin cells, leading to skin aging, wrinkles and discoloration.

Mental stress is also an important factor in premature aging. In a state of high stress for a long time, the human body secretes too much stress hormones, such as cortisol.

These hormones affect the body’s immune system, endocrine system and nervous system, leading to a decline in body functions and accelerated aging.

What are the manifestations of premature aging?

1. Skin aging

  • Wrinkles: The collagen and elastic fibers in the skin gradually decrease, and the skin loses elasticity and wrinkles appear.
  • Dark spots: The increased activity of melanocytes in the skin leads to the appearance of dark spots.
  • Loose skin: The elasticity of the skin decreases, becomes loose, and loses its firmness.
  • Dry and rough: The moisture content of the skin decreases and it becomes dry and rough.
What are the manifestations of premature aging?

2. hypofunction

  • Physical decline: the body’s endurance and strength gradually weaken, easy to feel tired.
  • Decreased immunity: The body’s resistance is reduced, and it is easy to get sick.
  • Memory loss: The function of the brain gradually declines, memory and concentration decrease.
  • Decreased sleep quality: difficult to fall asleep, many dreams, easy to wake up.

3. Psychological change

  • Emotional instability: prone to anxiety, depression, irritability and other emotions.
  • Loss of interest: Loss of interest in things in life, lack of enthusiasm.
  • Loss of confidence: Loss of confidence in one’s appearance and abilities.
How does NAD + Fight premature aging?

How does NAD+ Fight premature aging?

NAD+ (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide) is an important coenzyme involved in a variety of metabolic reactions within cells. With the increase of age, the level of NAD+ in the body will gradually decline, which is closely related to the occurrence of premature aging.

How does NAD+ protect against premature aging?

1. Activating longevity protein

NAD+ can activate long-lived proteins Sirtuins, which play an important role in regulating cell metabolism, maintaining genome stability, and resisting oxidative stress.

Activation of Sirtuins can delay cell senescence and prolong life.

2. Promotes DNA repair

NAD+ is involved in the DNA repair process, helping to repair damaged DNA.

The accumulation of DNA damage as we age is an important factor in aging.

By promoting DNA repair, NAD+ can reduce DNA damage and delay aging.

3. Enhanced mitochondrial function

Mitochondria are energy factories inside cells, responsible for producing energy.

As we age, mitochondrial function gradually declines, resulting in insufficient energy supply and accelerated aging.

NAD+ can enhance mitochondrial function, improve energy production efficiency, and delay aging.

4. Resist oxidative stress

Oxidative stress is an important factor leading to aging, which can damage cell structure and affect cell function.

NAD+ can activate antioxidant enzymes, such as superoxide dismutase (SOD), glutathione peroxidase, etc., to enhance the antioxidant capacity of cells and resist oxidative stress.

How to increase NAD+ in the body

There are ways to increase the level of NAD+ in the body, such as diet modification, exercise, intake of NAD+ dietary supplements, etc.


In terms of dietary adjustment, you can eat more foods rich in NAD+ substances, such as broccoli, avocados, beef and so on. The nutrients in these foods can be converted into NAD+ in the body, raising NAD+ levels.

Exercise can also increase NAD+ levels. Studies have shown that moderate exercise activates Sirtuins proteins and promotes the synthesis of NAD+.

Exercise can also improve the body’s metabolic level, enhance immunity, delay aging.

Taking NAD+ dietary supplements is also a way to increase NAD+ levels. The upgrading of its effect can improve cell vitality, skin rejuvenation, enhance cell renewal, antioxidant, anti-free radical and repair DNA, restore the role of skin barrier, and effectively increase the body’s NAD+ content.

Sum up

Premature aging is a gradual development process, poor lifestyle, environmental pollution, mental stress and other factors may lead to the early arrival of premature aging. The manifestations of premature aging include skin aging, physical function decline, psychological changes and so on.

As an important coenzyme, NAD+ can resist premature aging by activating longevity proteins, promoting DNA repair, enhancing mitochondrial function, and resisting oxidative stress.

Through diet adjustment, exercise, intake of NAD+ dietary supplements and other methods, the level of NAD+ in the human body can be increased and the aging can be delayed.