Glutathione drops for action! Protect liver detoxification, anti-aging from inside out!

The role of glutathione drips

The development history of glutathione, the market area of glutathione, the special skills of glutathione, how to supplement glutathione, glutathione preparation method.

History of glutathione development

1888 year

French scientist Rey-Pailhade discovered that yeast cells have a substance that can be mixed with sulfur to produce hydrogen sulfide. This substance is also present in other living tissues.

Because this substance binds to sulfur, it is named philo thion. In Greek, philo means love and thion means mercaptan.

The year 1921

Hopkins discovered that it was self-oxidizing and contained glutamic acid and hemicylamino acid, and renamed it glutathione.

The year 1929

Glutathione has been shown to be a tripeptide composed of three amino acids, namely: glutamate, cysteinc and glycine, which is a non-protein low molecular weight mercaptan.

The year 1935

Harington et al. chemically synthesized glutathione and realized the commercialization of glutathione. Meister then demonstrated that glutathione catalyzed by two adenine nucleoside triphosphate (ATP) -dependent gamma-glutamylcysteine synthases, GSH I and GSH II.

In the 1980s

The industrial production of glutathione has realized. GSH can widely used in health care products, drugs, skin care products and has attracted much attention.

Glutathione market area

glutathione (GSH) is a tripeptide consisting of glutamic acid, cysteine, and glycine. GSH mainly divided into two forms: reduced type (GSH) and oxidized type (GSSG).

GSH is not only a cogroup of glyceraldehyde phosphate dehydrogenase, but also a coenzyme of glyoxalase and triose dehydrogenase. It is an important metabolic substance in the cell, participating in the tricarboxylic acid cycle and sugar metabolism in the body, and can activate a variety of enzymes, such as sulfhydryl (SH) enzyme-coenzyme, so as to promote the metabolism of sugars, fats and proteins.

GSH widely used in cosmetics, health products and drugs.

Glutathione widely used in cosmetics, health products and drugs.

1. Skin care GSSG

Glutathione widely known for its benefits as a skin care product. As an antioxidant, GSH actively oxidized by free radicals, transformed into inactive GSSG, and degraded by macrophages, thereby protecting cell integrity.

In the fight against melanin, glutathione also has its own unique mechanism of action, can block the activity of tyrosinase, from the root to achieve whitening effect.

It has the effect of repairing damaged cells and improving the smoothness and smoothness of the skin.

Skin care GSSG

2. Medical beauty field GSH

Glutathione is the main ingredient in the medical beauty product “whitening needle”, in addition, the medical beauty product “whitening needle” mainly made of hyaluronic acid and botulinum toxin and glutathione and other products for scientific ratio, with whitening, antioxidant, inhibiting melanin effect.

Glutathione as a medical drug, and some drugs used at the same time will produce adverse reactions, for contraindicated beauty of the body will also appear nausea, vomiting and other conditions.

When adding glutathione to the water needle, be sure to let a professional doctor to match and operate.

When the whitening needle injected, the injection component only injected in the dermis and cannot enter the muscle layer, so that the treatment of deep dynamic lines not good, and the skin epidermal fine lines can only temporarily treated.

Medical beauty field GSH

3. Healthy food GSH

The overall income growth of the people and the enhancement of health awareness, health food has become a breakthrough point for pharmaceutical companies to break out into first-class enterprises.

GSH can participate in biological transformation, excrete harmful substances in the body, and help maintain normal immune function.

Protect your liver, heart, etc.;

For people who are exposed to long-term computer radiation, high pressure, irregular work and rest, or have dark spots and wrinkles, it simply a “life-saving golden pill.”

In the main foreign market distribution: North America, Europe, Southeast Asia, other markets.

4. Medicine — Drip therapy G-SH

In addition to being used as skin care products and health foods, glutathione has its unique role in medicine.

The sulfhydryl group on cysteine in glutathione is the main active group (G-SH), which can combined with mustard gas, lead, mercury, iodoacetic acid, arsenic and other heavy metals to achieve integration and detoxification effect.

Glutathione can also prevent the oxidation of hemoglobin, repair the damaged part of the cell membrane, protect the activity of sulfhydrase, so that -SH is always in a reduced state;

GSH competes with the cell membrane for heme, thereby protecting the red blood cell membrane from heme damage (heme binding to the cell membrane causes hemolysis of red blood cells).

Glutathione can also inhibit the fatty liver caused by ethanol.

It can used as a therapeutic or adjuvant drug for hepatitis, hemolytic diseases, and eye diseases such as keratitis, cataract and retina.

Glutathione can correct the imbalance of acetylcholine and cholinesterase and play an anti-allergic role.

The special skill of glutathione

Glutathione widely used in the field of beauty and skin care, to delay the degree of skin aging, improve skin gloss and smoothness, remove yellowing, repair damaged cells at the bottom of the muscle, make the skin elastic and tender, thanks to its strong antioxidant and inhibit the formation of melanin special skills.

So how does this skill work?

1. Free radical

In the process of REDOX in the human body, free radicals, by-products of oxidative respiration, are produced.

Affected by the external environment, coupled with insufficient sleep, irregular diet, pressure multiplication and other factors, the free radicals in the human body are expanding day by day, freely attacking the cell membrane, making the skin appear aging, dark, dark spots and so on.

Fortunately, the human body also has the good warrior – antioxidant factor. Glutathione, when it encounters free radicals, will contribute its own sulfhydryl -SH, which easy to oxidized and dehydrogenated, thus playing a role in removing free radicals.

The large family of skin returned to peace, while the GSH that had lost -SH lost its activity and changed from GSH to GSSG. But don’t worry, GSSG regenerates into GSH under glutathione reductase.

It is the scavenging effect of GSH on free radicals that makes free radicals in the body unable to attack the cell membrane, thereby preventing the oxidation of fatty acids in the cell membrane, protecting the integrity of the cell, increasing the elasticity and luster of the skin, and ultimately achieving the antioxidant effect.

Free radical

3. Melanin

How is melanin formed?

What are the advantages and disadvantages for our skin?

Melanin likes to settle in the skin, retina, pia and so on.

The human body contains two different types of melanin, eumelanin and limonomelanin, which affect the skin color of the human body.

Eumelanin is synthesized from tyrosine and forms brown/black skin;

Limonomelanin synthesized from tyrosine and cysteine to form orange skin.

In order to protect against UV damage, the skin has a self-defense mechanism.

When ultraviolet light stimulates melanin pigment, the activity of tyrosinase activated, and it reacts with tyrosine in the blood to produce a dopamine molecule called melanin release, which can effectively absorb ultraviolet light and reduce damage to DNA.

The newly formed melanin will transferred to the epidermal layer of the skin with the body’s metabolism, and then with the shedding of dander or the blood circulation system to eliminate the body.

When there too much melanin, it can not metabolized by the body, it will precipitate in the epidermal layer to form a stain.

Tyrosine is an important amino acid necessary for human physiological activities, and it is also an important substance for the formation of melanin. As long as the generation of tyrosine blocked, the formation of melanin can almost inhibited.

Kojic acid, arbutin, styptic acid and hydroquinone can inhibit tyrosine.

The amino acids in glutathione can also effectively inhibit tyrosine activity, resulting in the inability of dopamine to release melanin and achieve whitening effect.

Glutathione used to inhibit melanin, from the inside out double inhibition of melanin mother cells, so that they can not activate tyrosinase, block melanin formation from the source, make the skin bright white, and fade stubborn spots.

How to supplement glutathione

GSH is a naturally occurring antioxidant in the human body, and its content in the human body reaches 26~34mg/100g.

GSH is prevalent in microorganisms, animal and plant cells at high concentrations (0.1~10mmol/L) (and mainly exists in reduced form), and the liver has the highest GSH content in animals and human beings. The liver is the main organ for GSH synthesis, and the synthesized GSH can transferred out in large quantities through bile and hepatic portal vein.

The level of GSH in each age group
The level of GSH in each age group

In order to delay our own aging speed and skin problems, we can take the external glutathione supplement to increase the content of their own antioxidant factors.

So how do you supplement glutathione?

1. Take Glutathione orally

A 1992 clinical study found that a single dose of 3g of GSH did not increase its levels in the human body.

Because the oral GSH will enter the cell’s gamma-glutamyl cycle, by catalyzing GSH for amino acid absorption and transport.

Therefore, taking GSH orally at one time will not increase the body’s GSH concentration.

What about a daily GSH supplement? In 2011, a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial led by Jason Allen and Ryan D Bradley tested whether a daily supplement of GSH could increase the amount of GSH in humans.

The study divided 40 healthy participants into two groups, with no differences in oxidative stress biomarkers at the start.

In the trial, the test group given 500mg of GSH twice a day for 4 weeks. The results showed that there was no significant change in GSH content in both the test group and the placebo group.

Take GSH orally

2. Inject Glutathione

It used to prevent and treat tissue and cell damage caused by drug therapy, alcohol and organophosphorus.

Since glutathione supplementation by mouth is not effective, what about glutathione injection?

It has protective effect on liver injury caused by various reasons.

Inject GSH

It has protective effect on liver injury caused by various reasons.

Glutathione preparation method

Glutathione can prepared by enzyme synthesis, chemical synthesis, fermentation and solvent extraction. At present, enzyme synthesis and fermentation are the main methods for large-scale production of glutathione.

Enzyme synthesis: Using L-cysteine, L-glutamic acid and glycine as raw materials, plus glutathione synthase in vivo, and adding a lot of ATP or ADP to synthesize glutathione. Operation: Fast reaction speed, high sensitivity, clear process, but high cost of consumption.

Fermentation method: Using sugars as raw materials, glutathione is transformed by the metabolism of microorganisms in the body. Operation: Mild reaction conditions, fast speed, low cost.

Solvent extraction method: Glutathione was obtained from wheat germ and yeast after separation and purification. Operation: The process is simple but backward, the production scale small production capacity is low, and the cost is low.

Chemical synthesis: Glutathione was synthesized from cysteine, glutamic acid and glycine. Operation: Many reaction steps, long time, complex operation and high cost.