Menopause? Get some Coenzyme Q10

Coenzyme Q10

Perimenopausal women are prone to symptoms that affect their quality of life. Coenzyme Q10 can improve ovarian function, reduce perimenopausal symptoms, prevent related diseases, and delay aging.

Food and medicine can be supplemented, but should follow the doctor’s advice, do not blindly buy.

Coq10 is used only as an adjunct therapy in the treatment of diseases.

Perimenopause (menopause) : The period when ovarian function begins to decline until one year after menopause.

Perimenopause is an important period in a woman’s life, and the appearance of various symptoms and diseases seriously affects the quality of life.

Proper supplementation of nutrients helps to improve the symptoms of perimenopause, vitamin E and DHEA have been introduced to you in the early stage, and today I will introduce a “new friend” – coenzyme Q10.

What is CoQ10?

Coenzyme Q10 is a compound with important physiological functions and is an important part of the electron transport in the respiratory chain of the inner mitochondrial membrane.

It can remove oxidative free radicals, resist lipid peroxidation, and assist mitochondria to produce energy.

In the case of health, the body can synthesize Coq10 by itself, but with the increase of age, the ability and efficiency of the body to synthesize Coq10 gradually decline, and then cause cardiovascular and cerebrovascular, nervous system, immune system and other diseases.

The amount of coenzyme Q10 in the heart muscle at age 70
is more than 57 percent lower than that at age 20

At the age of 20, the body’s ability to autonomously synthesize coenzyme Q10 reaches its peak and begins to decline year by year until the age of about 50.

What is the effect of CoQ10?

Improve perimenopausal symptoms

With the increase of age, mitochondrial dysfunction in follicles, coQ10 supplementation can improve ovarian function, reduce anxiety, insomnia, hot flashes and other perimenopausal symptoms.

Prevent the risk of age-related diseases

The heart needs Coq10 to maintain normal function, and supplementing Coenzyme Q10 can protect the heart and reduce the incidence of cardiovascular disease.

(2) Lack of coQ10 can cause insufficient oxygen supply to the brain, and supplementation of CoQ10 can reduce the occurrence of cerebrovascular diseases such as Parkinson’s syndrome.

â‘¢ Supplementation of coenzyme Q10 can improve the body’s immunity and reduce the occurrence of cancer.

Anti-aging, anti-fatigue

As an antioxidant, Coq10 can inhibit cell apoptosis caused by oxidative stress, enhance the immune system, and delay the occurrence of aging.

At the same time, maintain the function of mitochondria,

so that cells maintain a good health state, so that the body is full of vitality.

How to supplement Coenzyme Q10?

What to eat?

Food Source:

Fish, cattle, chicken and other meat and animal offal are rich in coenzyme Q10, nuts, vegetables, fruits, cereals also contain a certain amount of Coq10.

Prescription drugs or health products Source:

The coenzyme Q10 of the drug is generally of high purity and is mainly used in the auxiliary treatment of diseases;

The purity of Coq10 of health products is not as high as that of drugs, and generally contains other nutrients in addition to coenzyme Q10.

coenzyme Q10

How much Coenzyme Q10 to eat?

According to the provisions on registration and review of health food containing Coenzyme Q10 issued by the State Food and Drug Administration in 2019, the recommended daily consumption shall not exceed 50mg.

However, in the course of disease treatment, the dosage of Coq10 guided by doctors can reach 500-1000mg/ day.

How long to take CoQ10?

As an adjunctive drug for diseases, Coenzyme Q10 has good safety,

and no side effects caused by long-term use have found in current studies,

but the specific course of treatment still needs to asked by the doctor, and please follow the doctor’s advice.

Matters needing attention

Although Coenzyme Q10 is powerful and safe, Coq10 is only used as an adjunct therapy in disease treatment! If you feel unwell during perimenopause, you should still go to the hospital to consult perimenopause related symptoms and follow the doctor’s guidance.

In China, the content of Coq10 in medicinal and health products is different. Please do not buy or supplement blindly. Please follow the doctor’s guidance and take according to the doctor’s advice.


  • 1. Coq10 (PDQ®): Health Professional Version.In: PDQ Cancer Information Summaries [Internet]. Bethesda (MD): National Cancer Institute (US). 2019 Apr 24.
  • 2. Díaz-Casado ME. et al. The Paradox of Coq10 in Aging. Nutrients. 2019
  • 3. Hidaka, T.,et al. Safety assessment of Coq10. BioFactors. 2008
